Month: February 2015

New Seasons seedlings, Greens, Tomatoes & Ice Cream Bean + A visit to Canada
Aquaponics Greenhouse

New Seasons seedlings, Greens, Tomatoes & Ice Cream Bean + A visit to Canada

Have been busy getting a few rounds of seeds & starts into the patch for our up coming cool weather crops.. Have the usual suspects like brassicas, tomatoes, greens on the go, as well as some okra, squash & ice…

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Green Mango, Papaya & Wombok Home Grown Salad
Aquaponics Greenhouse

Green Mango, Papaya & Wombok Home Grown Salad

Green Mango, Papaya & Wombok Home Grown Salad Have had a few folks ask to see what we pick from the patch so here you go πŸ™‚ Decided to also show you how they were used to make up one…

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