Month: February 2019

Renovation Update & Some Clips that May Help πŸ‘πŸ‘
Aquaponics Greenhouse

Renovation Update & Some Clips that May Help πŸ‘πŸ‘

G’Day Folks.Have another house renovation update for you, as well as some viewing suggestions for newer subscribers who may be looking for some clips that might help them out. Also included a look at the rotting lemon fruit & the…

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Aquaponics Design | Matthews Courtyard System
Aquaponics Greenhouse

Aquaponics Design | Matthews Courtyard System

Aquaponics Design | Matthew’s Courtyard System G’Day Folks. In this clip I look through an aquaponic system Matthew would like to build for his young family. We’ve already had a chat online & on the phone about some of the…

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Renovation Update, Aquaponic Subtropical Greens & Ginger Flower
Aquaponics Greenhouse

Renovation Update, Aquaponic Subtropical Greens & Ginger Flower

G’Day Folks. This week saw some real progress made on the house, WOO HOO!! Hope to have even more to show in the next update in a weeks time. Will leave a list of the greens harvested from the aquaponics…

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Turmeric Flowers House & Upcoming Clip
Aquaponics Greenhouse

Turmeric Flowers House & Upcoming Clip

G’Day Folks. Found a load of gorgeous turmeric flowers in a wicking barrel down the back & thought I’d share them with you all. Have included a look at the work that was done on the house this week as…

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