Growing Potatoes & Sweet Poatoes in Containers + Root Pouch Garden Update

Growing Potatoes & Sweet Poatoes in Containers + Root Pouch Garden Update

Hi folks. Am having another crack at growing some potatoes and sweet potatoes in containers. Have included a look a 2nd new Root Pouch & some of the older ones. Added in a quick update on where some new wicking style beds will be set up soon. If you’re in Australia & interested in more information on Root Pouches you can find a few links below.
Hope all are well & your all gardens are booming.

Brendan’s ”Baconsoda”s YouTube Channel

Brian’s YouTube Channel,

& Website

Folks in the USA can find Root Pouches on our Amazon Associate page, ►

You can find further information on how Root Pouches are made & air pruning capabilities►

More information on Growing with Root Pouches can be found on our site,

Subscribing to our family here on Rob’s Backyard Farming Channel is as easy as clicking the link below,

Would be great for you to come along & say ”G’Day” when we post a clip.

Rob (That’s me 😉) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Influencer/Associates Program, an influencer/affiliate advertising program designed to provide means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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